
Everything About Harbor Freight Belt Sanders

Power tools such as harbor freight belt sanders, electronic grinders, etc, have replaced several hand tools that were used in the past times. The reasons are the most obvious. These power tools save manual power and labor and also saves a lot of time.  Do you know what is the purpose of a belt sander?   This is a multi-purpose tool and is used for shaping and finishing instruments made of different materials such as wood, iron, etc. Most commonly they are used for sanding rough surfaces, freehand rounding & shaping, and leveling different surfaces. And the HF (harbor freight) belt sander can be used for sharpening knives as this posses a high number of grits.  The fundamentals of sharpening knives are always the same irrespective of the machines and any specific process you are using. The facts will be the same and that you have to create a burr at the edge, weaken it and remove it. The end result will be a sharpened knife. But to get a sharpened knife you have to practice a lot. O